Angular – Esbuild chunk sizes do not match build output when served: Unraveling the Mystery
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Angular – Esbuild chunk sizes do not match build output when served: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of scratching your head over the frustrating issue of Angular chunk sizes not matching the build output when served with Esbuild? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the heart of the problem, exploring the reasons behind this anomaly and providing actionable solutions to get your Angular application running smoothly.

The Culprit: Esbuild Chunk Size Mismatch

When you’re building an Angular application with Esbuild, you might notice that the chunk sizes reported by Esbuild during the build process don’t match the actual file sizes in the output directory. This mismatch can be puzzling, especially when you’re trying to optimize your application’s performance.

// esbuild output
build  • 21 files in 3.2s • 344.6 KB (broccoli-plugin  • 344.6 KB)

In the above example, Esbuild reports a total build size of 344.6 KB, but when you inspect the output directory, the actual file sizes might be significantly different.

Why the Mismatch?

There are several reasons why the chunk sizes reported by Esbuild might not match the actual file sizes:

  • Esbuild’s Chunking Algorithm: Esbuild uses a proprietary chunking algorithm to split your application code into smaller, more manageable chunks. This algorithm takes into account various factors, such as module dependencies, import statements, and code splitting. However, this process can sometimes lead to discrepancies in chunk sizes.
  • Angular’s Module Bundling: Angular’s own module bundling process can also affect the chunk sizes. When Angular bundles modules, it may include additional dependencies or generate extra code, resulting in larger file sizes than reported by Esbuild.
  • Browserify and Webpack Compatibility: Esbuild is designed to be compatible with both Browserify and Webpack. However, this compatibility layer can sometimes introduce inconsistencies in chunk sizes, especially when using plugins or custom configurations.

Solutions to the Mismatch Problem

Now that we’ve explored the possible causes, let’s dive into the solutions to get your Angular application’s chunk sizes in sync with the build output:

Solution 1: Verify Esbuild Configuration

Review your Esbuild configuration to ensure that you’re not accidentally excluding or including files that affect the chunk sizes. Double-check your `esbuild.config.js` file for any configurations that might be influencing the build process:

module.exports = {
  // Ensure that all files are included in the build process
  files: ['src/main.ts'],
  // Disable any unnecessary plugins or features
  plugins: [],
  // Set the correct output directory
  outdir: 'dist',

Solution 2: Use the `–bundle` Flag

Adding the `–bundle` flag to your Esbuild command can help resolve the mismatch issue by forcing Esbuild to bundle the application code into a single file:

npx esbuild src/main.ts --bundle --outdir=dist

This flag tells Esbuild to generate a single, bundled file containing all the application code, which can help reduce the discrepancy between reported and actual chunk sizes.

Solution 3: Optimize Angular Module Bundling

Optimize Angular’s module bundling process by configuring the `commonChunk` and `vendorChunk` settings in your `angular.json` file:

  "projects": {
    "my-app": {
      "architect": {
        "build": {
          "options": {
            "commonChunk": true,
            "vendorChunk": true

These settings help Angular to generate more efficient bundles, which can reduce the mismatch between reported and actual chunk sizes.

Solution 4: Disable Esbuild’s Proprietary Chunking

Disable Esbuild’s proprietary chunking algorithm by setting the `chunking` option to `false` in your `esbuild.config.js` file:

module.exports = {
  chunking: false

This setting tells Esbuild to rely on Angular’s module bundling process, which can help reduce the mismatch between reported and actual chunk sizes.

Solution 5: Verify Browserify and Webpack Compatibility

Review your Browserify and Webpack configurations to ensure that they’re not interfering with Esbuild’s chunking process. Disable any unnecessary plugins or features that might be causing inconsistencies:

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    // Disable any unnecessary plugins


In conclusion, the mismatch between Esbuild chunk sizes and the actual build output in Angular applications can be attributed to various factors, including Esbuild’s chunking algorithm, Angular’s module bundling, and Browserify and Webpack compatibility issues. By applying the solutions outlined in this article, you can resolve this issue and ensure that your Angular application’s chunk sizes are accurately reported and optimized for production.

Remember to carefully review your Esbuild configuration, optimize Angular module bundling, and disable unnecessary plugins or features to get the most accurate chunk sizes. With these solutions, you’ll be well on your way to building high-performance Angular applications that delight your users!

Solution Description
Verify Esbuild Configuration Review Esbuild configuration to ensure accurate chunk sizes
Use the `–bundle` Flag Force Esbuild to bundle application code into a single file
Optimize Angular Module Bundling Configure Angular’s module bundling process for efficient bundles
Disable Esbuild’s Proprietary Chunking Disable Esbuild’s chunking algorithm to rely on Angular’s module bundling
Verify Browserify and Webpack Compatibility Review Browserify and Webpack configurations for compatibility issues

Additional Resources

For further guidance on optimizing your Angular application’s performance, check out these additional resources:

By following these solutions and best practices, you’ll be able to tackle the mystery of mismatched chunk sizes and build high-performance Angular applications that delight your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to tackle the most pressing Angular conundrums! Dive into our FAQs and uncover the secrets to mastering Angular and Esbuild chunk sizes.

Why do Angular and Esbuild chunk sizes not match the build output when served?

This mismatch often occurs due to the way Angular and Esbuild handle chunking and optimization. Angular’s build optimizer might split chunks differently than Esbuild, leading to discrepancies in chunk sizes. To resolve this, try configuring Esbuild to use the same chunking strategy as Angular or adjust the optimization settings to better match the build output.

How can I configure Esbuild to use the same chunking strategy as Angular?

You can configure Esbuild to use the same chunking strategy as Angular by setting the `chunkNames` option in your Esbuild configuration. For example, you can use the `chunkNames` option to specify a custom chunk naming strategy that matches Angular’s default chunk naming convention. Additionally, you can also experiment with different chunking algorithms, such as ` RollupChunkSizePlugin`, to find the one that best matches Angular’s chunking behavior.

What optimization settings can I adjust to better match the build output?

To better match the build output, you can experiment with different optimization settings in your Esbuild configuration. For example, you can adjust the `minify` option to control the level of minification, or set the `splitChunks` option to control how chunks are split and optimized. You can also try using plugins like `TerserPlugin` or `CssMinimizerPlugin` to fine-tune the optimization process.

Will adjusting the optimization settings affect the performance of my Angular application?

Adjusting the optimization settings can indeed impact the performance of your Angular application. Over-optimization can lead to slower build times and increased bundle sizes, while under-optimization can result in slower load times and decreased performance. It’s essential to strike a balance between optimization and performance. Experiment with different settings and monitor your application’s performance to find the sweet spot.

Are there any other factors that can affect the mismatch between Angular and Esbuild chunk sizes?

Yes, there are several other factors that can contribute to the mismatch between Angular and Esbuild chunk sizes. For example, differences in module ordering, tree shaking, and dead code elimination can all impact chunk sizes. Additionally, differences in environment variables, such as `NODE_ENV` or `BUILD_MODE`, can also affect the build output. Be sure to carefully review your build configuration and environment settings to identify any potential sources of mismatch.

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